Reconnecting Siblings in Care, Adoption & Kinship Care
Reconnecting Siblings in Care, Adoption & Kinship Care
Reconnecting Siblings in Care, Adoption & Kinship Care

Who We Are
We work to promote positive contact between siblings separated by foster, kinship, residential care or adoption. We believe Young people have a human right to maintain contact should they wish to do so, but this requires effective support by those who care for them. All relationships take time nurturing and care, no better time than during childhood years when they can create fun memories together building a lasting sense of belonging and of being valued & loved.
Our Purpose
At Siblings Together, we are driven by a profound belief in the unbreakable bond that exists between siblings. Our purpose is clear and heartfelt: to reunite and strengthen the connections between siblings who have been separated by the challenges of foster care and adoption. We understand that the love shared between siblings is a powerful force, one that should never be underestimated or overlooked. When siblings are separated, it can lead to feelings of loss, isolation, and a deep yearning to be reunited with those who share an unspoken understanding of their journey. Through compassionate support and a dedicated team, we strive to bring siblings back together, helping them create lasting connections that will positively impact their lives for years to come.



What We Do
Our mission is to bridge the gaps that circumstances have imposed, to mend the fabric of these important relationships, and to provide a space where siblings can once again experience the joy of shared memories, support, and companionship. We have carefully crafted unique & innovative programmes, which serve to meet the needs of children whose relationships will benefit from positive support. While we understand that we can't change their past experiences, our dedicated volunteer teams, guided by expert staff, are committed to creating enduring "vital links" for these children's future. This initiative matters greatly for all of us and has the potential to influence the future care outcomes of each individual significantly.
Our Impact
What people say about us
I can help kids of all ages and from different cultures, which I enjoy; and give them back something that I have learned when I was a kid doing it.
VolunteerI loved it, I met new people and the best people I could possibly meet.
Our Siblings
Residential camp attendeeI've really settled in here very well, all this has been a great experience and I've really enjoyed it.
Our Siblings
Residential camp attendeeBefore I started, I had no faith in myself and no trust. Because I've done two poetry trips, I've realised it's not just me in my life, it's everyone else.